Cherry Blossoms

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But spring was gaining a delicate hold. The sun was returning — a weak, tentative sun that peered through dirty windows into her apartment. She turned her face to it. Outside, small birds fluttered and ruffled in damp leaves, and light sparkled off pools of water.

Witch Hazel

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A faint chill began to seep around the edges of the room, but very slowly. A light breeze lifted some crumbs off one of the tables, and ruffled the flowers in their vase. Julie stood still, listening for sounds that would indicate some disaster or threat, but all she could hear was her own ragged breathing.

The Pizza Place

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She calmed herself and headed straight for the counter, pretending not to notice them. She ordered her two slices of pepperoni and a Dr. Pepper, and was struggling to find her money when she heard Jake’s voice behind her.